Michael Koulianos is the founder of Jesus Image, Jesus Image Church, and Jesus School in Orlando, FL. Jesus Image is focused on the presence of Jesus and seeing a habitation built for His glory. Michael has authored several books, The Jesus Book, Jesus 365, He is Risen, Jesus Kids Curriculum, Holy Spirit, and Healing Presence. Michael and his wife Jessica, steward a burning desire to win cities, nations, and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through their faithful leadership, Jesus Image has seen thousands saved and healed by the mighty power of God. Michael and Jessica reside in Orlando with their three children. 


Michael Koulianos is the founder of Jesus Image, Jesus Image Church, and Jesus School in Orlando, FL. Jesus Image is focused on the presence of Jesus and seeing a habitation built for His glory. Michael has authored several books, The Jesus Book, Jesus 365, He is Risen, Jesus Kids Curriculum, Holy Spirit, and Healing Presence. Michael and his wife Jessica, steward a burning desire to win cities, nations, and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through their faithful leadership, Jesus Image has seen thousands saved and healed by the mighty power of God. Michael and Jessica reside in Orlando with their three children. 


Michael Koulianos is the founder of Jesus Image, Jesus Image Church, and Jesus School in Orlando, FL. Jesus Image is focused on the presence of Jesus and seeing a habitation built for His glory. Michael has authored several books, The Jesus Book, Jesus 365, He is Risen, Jesus Kids Curriculum, Holy Spirit, and Healing Presence. Michael and his wife Jessica, steward a burning desire to win cities, nations, and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through their faithful leadership, Jesus Image has seen thousands saved and healed by the mighty power of God. Michael and Jessica reside in Orlando with their three children. 

Benny Hinn

When I was 12 years old, I was miraculously healed from Epstein-Barr disease in one of Benny Hinn’s meetings, and He led me to Jesus. Years later he gave his blessing for me to marry his daughter, and he’s been an irreplaceable influence in my life. There’s something special about spiritual fathers and mothers. They have blazed a trail before us and lived in the spiritual battles we now face and fight. Thus, the compassion flows from their eyes over us and our callings. Their faces speak volumes. Battle scars are a right of passage and they carry plenty of them. Mysteriously and beautifully their eyes communicate their hearts without saying a word. There is an unwritten understanding and common ground that we share. With love and protection, they lift us up in the midst of our inexperience, risk, and fatigue. I’m deeply grateful for the “yes” of my father-in-law, the love he’s shown our family, and how he continues to teach me about Jesus.

Benny Hinn

When I was 12 years old, I was miraculously healed from Epstein-Barr disease in one of Benny Hinn’s meetings, and He led me to Jesus. Years later he gave his blessing for me to marry his daughter, and he’s been an irreplaceable influence in my life. There’s something special about spiritual fathers and mothers. They have blazed a trail before us and lived in the spiritual battles we now face and fight. Thus, the compassion flows from their eyes over us and our callings. Their faces speak volumes. Battle scars are a right of passage and they carry plenty of them. Mysteriously and beautifully their eyes communicate their hearts without saying a word. There is an unwritten understanding and common ground that we share. With love and protection, they lift us up in the midst of our inexperience, risk, and fatigue. I’m deeply grateful for the “yes” of my father-in-law, the love he’s shown our family, and how he continues to teach me about Jesus.

Benny Hinn

When I was 12 years old, I was miraculously healed from Epstein-Barr disease in one of Benny Hinn’s meetings, and He led me to Jesus. Years later he gave his blessing for me to marry his daughter, and he’s been an irreplaceable influence in my life. There’s something special about spiritual fathers and mothers. They have blazed a trail before us and lived in the spiritual battles we now face and fight. Thus, the compassion flows from their eyes over us and our callings. Their faces speak volumes. Battle scars are a right of passage and they carry plenty of them. Mysteriously and beautifully their eyes communicate their hearts without saying a word. There is an unwritten understanding and common ground that we share. With love and protection, they lift us up in the midst of our inexperience, risk, and fatigue. I’m deeply grateful for the “yes” of my father-in-law, the love he’s shown our family, and how he continues to teach me about Jesus.

Joy Dawson

Joy Dawson was a dear friend and mentor; she changed my life forever. In 2006 at one of Benny Hinn’s crusades, Joy walked up to me and said, “God wants us to be friends. Call me. Here is my number. Now, tell me, what is God doing in your life, Michael.” She listened to a young kid with dreams. I was shocked to be approached by such a revered servant of God in that way. That began our relationship of hundreds of hours together searching the scriptures, worshipping Jesus, praying for one another, laughing hysterically, and weeping together. My life has not been easy. I’ve been wounded so deeply that there were moments that I wondered if I would survive the pain. When the tears flowed, I could always call Joy. She would open the Word and seek the Lord on my behalf until the Holy Spirit broke through. The hours in her home spent seeking Jesus and eating together. Sometimes over 10 hours per session.When I hurt, she hurt. When God did mighty things in my life, she rejoiced more than I did. She saw so much in me that I never saw in myself. She used to say, “DB (Darling Boy..her name for me) God is going to raise you up one day to shake the world with the Presence of Jesus. You will see. It’s my job to get you ready and teach you the ways of God. The anointing of God alone is not enough. You must learn His ways as well.” She corrected me with fierceness and loved me the same. Joy taught me to value His voice, tremble at His Word, to love the Bible, TO FEAR THE LORD, the glory of repentance, how to reconcile with people, to be free from the fear of man, to pray for the nations, the beauty of humility, to wait on the Lord, how to hear God’s voice, to love my family, and most importantly, to burn with a fiery love for Jesus. I would not be in the ministry as I know it had God not brought Joy Dawson into my life. There would certainly be no Jesus Image. I’m forever grateful for her life.

Joy Dawson

Joy Dawson was a dear friend and mentor; she changed my life forever. In 2006 at one of Benny Hinn’s crusades, Joy walked up to me and said, “God wants us to be friends. Call me. Here is my number. Now, tell me, what is God doing in your life, Michael.” She listened to a young kid with dreams. I was shocked to be approached by such a revered servant of God in that way. That began our relationship of hundreds of hours together searching the scriptures, worshipping Jesus, praying for one another, laughing hysterically, and weeping together. My life has not been easy. I’ve been wounded so deeply that there were moments that I wondered if I would survive the pain. When the tears flowed, I could always call Joy. She would open the Word and seek the Lord on my behalf until the Holy Spirit broke through. The hours in her home spent seeking Jesus and eating together. Sometimes over 10 hours per session.When I hurt, she hurt. When God did mighty things in my life, she rejoiced more than I did. She saw so much in me that I never saw in myself. She used to say, “DB (Darling Boy..her name for me) God is going to raise you up one day to shake the world with the Presence of Jesus. You will see. It’s my job to get you ready and teach you the ways of God. The anointing of God alone is not enough. You must learn His ways as well.” She corrected me with fierceness and loved me the same. Joy taught me to value His voice, tremble at His Word, to love the Bible, TO FEAR THE LORD, the glory of repentance, how to reconcile with people, to be free from the fear of man, to pray for the nations, the beauty of humility, to wait on the Lord, how to hear God’s voice, to love my family, and most importantly, to burn with a fiery love for Jesus. I would not be in the ministry as I know it had God not brought Joy Dawson into my life. There would certainly be no Jesus Image. I’m forever grateful for her life.

Joy Dawson

Joy Dawson was a dear friend and mentor; she changed my life forever. In 2006 at one of Benny Hinn’s crusades, Joy walked up to me and said, “God wants us to be friends. Call me. Here is my number. Now, tell me, what is God doing in your life, Michael.” She listened to a young kid with dreams. I was shocked to be approached by such a revered servant of God in that way. That began our relationship of hundreds of hours together searching the scriptures, worshipping Jesus, praying for one another, laughing hysterically, and weeping together. My life has not been easy. I’ve been wounded so deeply that there were moments that I wondered if I would survive the pain. When the tears flowed, I could always call Joy. She would open the Word and seek the Lord on my behalf until the Holy Spirit broke through. The hours in her home spent seeking Jesus and eating together. Sometimes over 10 hours per session.When I hurt, she hurt. When God did mighty things in my life, she rejoiced more than I did. She saw so much in me that I never saw in myself. She used to say, “DB (Darling Boy..her name for me) God is going to raise you up one day to shake the world with the Presence of Jesus. You will see. It’s my job to get you ready and teach you the ways of God. The anointing of God alone is not enough. You must learn His ways as well.” She corrected me with fierceness and loved me the same. Joy taught me to value His voice, tremble at His Word, to love the Bible, TO FEAR THE LORD, the glory of repentance, how to reconcile with people, to be free from the fear of man, to pray for the nations, the beauty of humility, to wait on the Lord, how to hear God’s voice, to love my family, and most importantly, to burn with a fiery love for Jesus. I would not be in the ministry as I know it had God not brought Joy Dawson into my life. There would certainly be no Jesus Image. I’m forever grateful for her life.



17 years ago, I visited The Evangelical Sisters of Mary, an evangelical charismatic sisterhood, founded by Mother Basilea Schlink. Located in Darmstadt, Germany, they have dedicated their lives to love the Lord Jesus with all they are. As a hungry, but ambitious young seeker, the mixture in my heart was quickly revealed by their simplicity and the holy Presence of Jesus among them. Everything changed that day.

In March 2023, we had the opportunity to visit their headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany. Oh, what a blessed time we had with them; it has been one of the deepest times I have had in Jesus in my entire life. To love Him is to achieve something great. To be there with Him when the world mocks Him is a holy privilege. To endure what life throws at us with Him is a sacred invitation. The sisters have become my dear friends over the years and I am so grateful for their love and support. We worshipped, broke bread, shed tears, looked to the scriptures, prayed, laughed, and spoke about our precious Bridegroom; it felt like a piece of Heaven. Thank you, Jesus, for your suffering and cross.

17 years ago, I visited The Evangelical Sisters of Mary, an evangelical charismatic sisterhood, founded by Mother Basilea Schlink. Located in Darmstadt, Germany, they have dedicated their lives to love the Lord Jesus with all they are. As a hungry, but ambitious young seeker, the mixture in my heart was quickly revealed by their simplicity and the holy Presence of Jesus among them. Everything changed that day.

In March 2023, we had the opportunity to visit their headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany. Oh, what a blessed time we had with them; it has been one of the deepest times I have had in Jesus in my entire life. To love Him is to achieve something great. To be there with Him when the world mocks Him is a holy privilege. To endure what life throws at us with Him is a sacred invitation. The sisters have become my dear friends over the years and I am so grateful for their love and support. We worshipped, broke bread, shed tears, looked to the scriptures, prayed, laughed, and spoke about our precious Bridegroom; it felt like a piece of Heaven. Thank you, Jesus, for your suffering and cross.

17 years ago, I visited The Evangelical Sisters of Mary, an evangelical charismatic sisterhood, founded by Mother Basilea Schlink. Located in Darmstadt, Germany, they have dedicated their lives to love the Lord Jesus with all they are. As a hungry, but ambitious young seeker, the mixture in my heart was quickly revealed by their simplicity and the holy Presence of Jesus among them. Everything changed that day.

In March 2023, we had the opportunity to visit their headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany. Oh, what a blessed time we had with them; it has been one of the deepest times I have had in Jesus in my entire life. To love Him is to achieve something great. To be there with Him when the world mocks Him is a holy privilege. To endure what life throws at us with Him is a sacred invitation. The sisters have become my dear friends over the years and I am so grateful for their love and support. We worshipped, broke bread, shed tears, looked to the scriptures, prayed, laughed, and spoke about our precious Bridegroom; it felt like a piece of Heaven. Thank you, Jesus, for your suffering and cross.

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Whether you have known Jesus for years or have never met Him at all, this book will help you fall in love with Him in a life-changing way. You will discover His love, and love Him in return. 


Whether you have known Jesus for years or have never met Him at all, this book will help you fall in love with Him in a life-changing way. You will discover His love, and love Him in return. 


Whether you have known Jesus for years or have never met Him at all, this book will help you fall in love with Him in a life-changing way. You will discover His love, and love Him in return. 

Stay Connected with Jesus Image​

Founded by Michael & Jessica Koulianos, Jesus Image exists to bring Jesus to the world, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We want this reality to permeate our hearts and lives as we love Him. Jesus Image is reaching the nations with Jesus Image Church, Jesus School, and Jesus Image events.

A weekly, local gathering focused on the presence of Jesus and seeing a habitation built for His glory. We have one desire at Jesus Image Church, Him. Our heart is to minister unto the Lord and touch His heart. He always comes because He is welcome here. Weekly Sunday Services are at 10am and 6pm. Learn More!

At Jesus ‘23, Pastors Conference, and Jesus Tour, thousands and thousands will gather as we proclaim the Gospel and seek the Presence of God. Jesus will heal the sick and we will encounter the Holy Spirit. Learn More!

Through Jesus School Orlando, House of Bethany: Worship Academy, and Jesus School Online, we are passionate about raising up a Jesus people who love Jesus, steward His presence, and shake the earth for the glory of God. Learn More!

Stay Connected with Jesus Image​

Founded by Michael & Jessica Koulianos, Jesus Image exists to bring Jesus to the world, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We want this reality to permeate our hearts and lives as we love Him. Jesus Image is reaching the nations with Jesus Image Church, Jesus School, and Jesus Image events.

A weekly, local gathering focused on the presence of Jesus and seeing a habitation built for His glory. We have one desire at Jesus Image Church, Him. Our heart is to minister unto the Lord and touch His heart. He always comes because He is welcome here. Weekly Sunday Services are at 10am and 6pm. Learn More!

At Jesus ‘23, Pastors Conference, and Jesus Tour, thousands and thousands will gather as we proclaim the Gospel and seek the Presence of God. Jesus will heal the sick and we will encounter the Holy Spirit. Learn More!

Through Jesus School Orlando, House of Bethany: Worship Academy, and Jesus School Online, we are passionate about raising up a Jesus people who love Jesus, steward His presence, and shake the earth for the glory of God. Learn More!

Stay Connected with Jesus Image​

Founded by Michael & Jessica Koulianos, Jesus Image exists to bring Jesus to the world, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We want this reality to permeate our hearts and lives as we love Him. Jesus Image is reaching the nations with Jesus Image Church, Jesus School, and Jesus Image events.

A weekly, local gathering focused on the presence of Jesus and seeing a habitation built for His glory. We have one desire at Jesus Image Church, Him. Our heart is to minister unto the Lord and touch His heart. He always comes because He is welcome here. Weekly Sunday Services are at 10am and 6pm. Learn More!

At Jesus ‘23, Pastors Conference, and Jesus Tour, thousands and thousands will gather as we proclaim the Gospel and seek the Presence of God. Jesus will heal the sick and we will encounter the Holy Spirit. Learn More!

Through Jesus School Orlando, House of Bethany: Worship Academy, and Jesus School Online, we are passionate about raising up a Jesus people who love Jesus, steward His presence, and shake the earth for the glory of God. Learn More!

“Only one thing is needed…” Luke 10:38-42