If I had one breath left, I would whisper, "Jesus".
My mission is to share the pure gospel and to see a generation fall in love with Jesus; He is the hero of the story and the Father’s greatest message.
If I had one breath left, I would whisper, "Jesus".
My mission is to share the pure gospel and to see a generation fall in love with Jesus; He is the hero of the story and the Father’s greatest message.
If I had one breath left, I would whisper, "Jesus".
My mission is to share the pure gospel and to see a generation fall in love with Jesus; He is the hero of the story and the Father’s greatest message.
Loving Jesus is the highest calling and the greatest achievement in life.
Michael and Jessica Koulianos are based out of Orlando, FL, and lead Jesus Image, Jesus Image Church, Jesus School, House of Bethany: Worship Academy, and Jesus School Online. Millions have been impacted from around the world by the preaching of the pure Gospel and desire for the presence of Jesus.
Churches Built in the Presence of Jesus
I believe that God has great plans in store for His church — Jesus loves His church. He died for His church. His church is His bride. Over the last several years, we’ve had a front row seat in watching the Holy Spirit do something beautiful through Jesus Image. Experiencing this sacred move of God has deepened my love for God’s people and His church. In The Jesus Church series, we will dive into what the Bible says about building a church in the presence of Jesus, and you will hear about our journey: how Jesus Image was birthed, how it became a church, what we’ve seen the Lord do, and what we’ve learned from it. My prayer is that you will learn what it means to build a church in the presence of Jesus.
Churches Built in the Presence of Jesus
I believe that God has great plans in store for His church — Jesus loves His church. He died for His church. His church is His bride. Over the last several years, we’ve had a front row seat in watching the Holy Spirit do something beautiful through Jesus Image. Experiencing this sacred move of God has deepened my love for God’s people and His church. In The Jesus Church series, you will learn about our journey: how Jesus Image was birthed, how it became a church, what we’ve seen the Lord do, and what we’ve learned from it. My prayer is that you will learn what it means to build a church in the presence of Jesus.
Churches Built in the Presence of Jesus
I believe that God has great plans in store for His church — Jesus loves His church. He died for His church. His church is His bride. Over the last several years, we’ve had a front row seat in watching the Holy Spirit do something beautiful through Jesus Image. Experiencing this sacred move of God has deepened my love for God’s people and His church. In The Jesus Church series, you will learn about our journey: how Jesus Image was birthed, how it became a church, what we’ve seen the Lord do, and what we’ve learned from it. My prayer is that you will learn what it means to build a church in the presence of Jesus.
Whether you have known Jesus for years or have never met Him at all, this book will help you fall in love with Him in a life-changing way. You will discover His love, and love Him in return.

Whether you have known Jesus for years or have never met Him at all, this book will help you fall in love with Him in a life-changing way. You will discover His love, and love Him in return.

Whether you have known Jesus for years or have never met Him at all, this book will help you fall in love with Him in a life-changing way. You will discover His love, and love Him in return.

Stay Connected with Jesus Image
Founded by Michael & Jessica Koulianos, Jesus Image exists to bring Jesus to the world, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We want this reality to permeate our hearts and lives as we love Him. Jesus Image is reaching the nations with Jesus Image Church, Jesus School, and Jesus Image events.
A weekly, local gathering focused on the presence of Jesus and seeing a habitation built for His glory. We have one desire at Jesus Image Church, Him. Our heart is to minister unto the Lord and touch His heart. He always comes because He is welcome here. Weekly Sunday Services are at 10am and 6pm. Learn More!
At Jesus ‘23, Pastors Conference, and Jesus Tour, thousands and thousands will gather as we proclaim the Gospel and seek the Presence of God. Jesus will heal the sick and we will encounter the Holy Spirit. Learn More!
Through Jesus School Orlando, House of Bethany: Worship Academy, and Jesus School Online, we are passionate about raising up a Jesus people who love Jesus, steward His presence, and shake the earth for the glory of God. Learn More!
Stay Connected with Jesus Image
Founded by Michael & Jessica Koulianos, Jesus Image exists to bring Jesus to the world, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We want this reality to permeate our hearts and lives as we love Him. Jesus Image is reaching the nations with Jesus Image Church, Jesus School, and Jesus Image events.
A weekly, local gathering focused on the presence of Jesus and seeing a habitation built for His glory. We have one desire at Jesus Image Church, Him. Our heart is to minister unto the Lord and touch His heart. He always comes because He is welcome here. Weekly Sunday Services are at 10am and 6pm. Learn More!
At Jesus ‘23, Pastors Conference, and Jesus Tour, thousands and thousands will gather as we proclaim the Gospel and seek the Presence of God. Jesus will heal the sick and we will encounter the Holy Spirit. Learn More!
Through Jesus School Orlando, House of Bethany: Worship Academy, and Jesus School Online, we are passionate about raising up a Jesus people who love Jesus, steward His presence, and shake the earth for the glory of God. Learn More!
Stay Connected with Jesus Image
Founded by Michael & Jessica Koulianos, Jesus Image exists to bring Jesus to the world, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We want this reality to permeate our hearts and lives as we love Him. Jesus Image is reaching the nations with Jesus Image Church, Jesus School, and Jesus Image events.
A weekly, local gathering focused on the presence of Jesus and seeing a habitation built for His glory. We have one desire at Jesus Image Church, Him. Our heart is to minister unto the Lord and touch His heart. He always comes because He is welcome here. Weekly Sunday Services are at 10am and 6pm. Learn More!
At Jesus ‘23, Pastors Conference, and Jesus Tour, thousands and thousands will gather as we proclaim the Gospel and seek the Presence of God. Jesus will heal the sick and we will encounter the Holy Spirit. Learn More!
Through Jesus School Orlando, House of Bethany: Worship Academy, and Jesus School Online, we are passionate about raising up a Jesus people who love Jesus, steward His presence, and shake the earth for the glory of God. Learn More!